Thursday, August 8, 2013

Combination of geometric shapes practice

These are some of my drawings of everyday objects. These objects are made of simple geometric shapes. But they look complicated. I started practicing with simple cube shaped objects first and with every practice i'm getting better. These drawings still have some mistakes but i will continue practicing. (my line quality still sucks)

This bottle is not completed yet.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shading practice

After my huge fail i practiced shading a little bit more. This ball is just a simple object. We have to determine the shape of shadows and from which direction the light is coming from. In future we have to draw more complicated objects. That's why we should pay more attention to the shadows of objects surrounding us. Just look at them and think; how long are they, in which shape are they, how dark are they, how can we draw them? I think this practice will be helpful in later drawings.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Getting started - Way 3 Shading

Shading is a hard process in my head. It seems hard but i had to start somewhere.

There are as you can see some types of shading. There is linear, random, crosshatching and plenty of more found on the internet.
 And another practice. You start with very dark tones. Decrease the darkness as you proceed until you have invisible lines.

These are very important practises and must done a couple of times, especially the second one. If you dont practice enough you will fail as i did in this drawing. Shading on the ball should go slightly darker. You can feel the lines between shading levels. And the shadow is a complete fail. Shadow of a ball is not in this shape. I'll practice more and share the results.

Getting started - Way 2 Basic Shapes

Many things around us are just simple geometric shapes or combination of these shapes. Your wardrobes, windows, tables, chairs, laptops or maybe even your houses is made out of cubes. So practising these shapes are very important.

Its not easy as it seems to obtain some of these shapes. As you can see some of these shapes doesnt seem right and points out that i need more line quality practice. There is some tricks to draw these shapes.

Cylinder is made out of two ellipses and two vertical lines. Lines should be parellel to each other and ellipses should be in same shape. If you have a plaid notebook you can determine where an ellipse starts and ends. Draw two identical ellipses. Draw the parallel lines between ellipses and as a final touch you can remove the parts that is not visible in life.

For drawing the cube you can start by the corner. Draw three lines. All the other lines should be parallel to the first three lines. All parellel lines are in same length(except for perspective).

Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting started - Way 1 Line Practice

 So as the tutorial said, i drew a few random shapes and repeated the lines. So this practice is made for not getting a messy look in the later drawings. And you can see some shadings between the shapes. Those do not belong to me.

I found this method very inspiring. Some of the shapes looked like bones or clothes or tools. And in the second page i was practising one of the shapes looked like its eating another and my imagination created this picture. I worked alot on that one but it still looks bad.

Getting Started.

There are 17 available pencil degrees (9B - 6H) and from these degrees 6B - 4H pencils are very easy to find. 4H - F pencils are very hard and used for engineering drawings and designers. HB - 2B are medium soft lead suitable for drawing and writing. 3B - 6B is very soft and these are for atists, architects and designers. So some tutorials says we need a 2B for drawing and maybe a 4B for shading. And there is a lot of pencil types but im gonna use a regular 2B and 4B pencils. Finally getting started. There are 3 starting ways we have:

1-) Some tutorials says that we should make line practice. In this practice you draw a random shape to your paper and try to go over the lines again and again. First slower than it will get a little bit faster. With this practice we will improve our line quality.

2-) Remember when i said "You would be suprised if you could see what could be built from the basic shapes like sphere, cubes etc."? Well in one of the books that i read author says "everything on universe is made of basic shapes like cubes, spheres, cones..." And it says we should practice these shapes before trying to draw.

3-) Another book says we should practice shading for the start.

Note: English is not my native language therefore there will be few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me or just ignore them.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Anyone can draw. Myth or reality?

Everywhere is told that anyone can draw. I'm more of a “I can’t even draw a stick man” kind of guy. When i try to draw a stick man i just can't draw in the right proportions and it looks like an undiscovered math symbol. My handwriting is a disaster too. Long story short i think i shouldn't take pencil in my hands. But i think i have a good imagination and wanna represent this imagination in some way. 

So i started working on computer based programs tried photoshop and maya (a 3d modeling and animation software). In photoshop i made some very basic tricks. Nothing good came out of it in my hands because i was inexperienced in drawing. In maya i made some cool things. You would be suprised if you could see what could be built from the basic shapes like sphere, cubes etc. But i was stucked again in character design because i was bad in drawing.

So i was back to the point where i was started. I need to be able to draw. So i gave up. Then i saw some books in a bookstore about drawing. It again said "Anyone can draw". I thought i have nothing to lose. So here i am starting to drawing and this blog will be the outputs of my experiences and i hope to be able to draw good and give other people out there afraid of drawing a hope.

Good artists who follow/read/like/dislike this blog your criticism is very important for me. I am very open minded person and right now im following a dark road and dont know where it leads to. Just gonna follow some tutorials and books. If i go too fast/slow/wrong feel free to correct me.