Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting Started.

There are 17 available pencil degrees (9B - 6H) and from these degrees 6B - 4H pencils are very easy to find. 4H - F pencils are very hard and used for engineering drawings and designers. HB - 2B are medium soft lead suitable for drawing and writing. 3B - 6B is very soft and these are for atists, architects and designers. So some tutorials says we need a 2B for drawing and maybe a 4B for shading. And there is a lot of pencil types but im gonna use a regular 2B and 4B pencils. Finally getting started. There are 3 starting ways we have:

1-) Some tutorials says that we should make line practice. In this practice you draw a random shape to your paper and try to go over the lines again and again. First slower than it will get a little bit faster. With this practice we will improve our line quality.

2-) Remember when i said "You would be suprised if you could see what could be built from the basic shapes like sphere, cubes etc."? Well in one of the books that i read author says "everything on universe is made of basic shapes like cubes, spheres, cones..." And it says we should practice these shapes before trying to draw.

3-) Another book says we should practice shading for the start.

Note: English is not my native language therefore there will be few mistakes. Please feel free to correct me or just ignore them.

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